Great advice here.

It’s the exact method I use to get better at pull-ups.

I have a pull-up bar in my doorframe. The rule now is: Do 2-3 reps each time I enter the living room.

Works well, the numbers go up

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4Author

I'm glad to hear it worked for you too, Phil! It sounds like you've set up your bar in the most ideal place.

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Great post, Adam. I was just wondering about this the other day and hoping working out in small increments wasn't "worthless."

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Shorter increments throughout the day is absolutely a productive way to exercise. Any amount of movement is great, and it's more enjoyable if it fits into your schedule, rather than making it a chore. Coincidentally, Brady Holmer just published this post, which supports the concept of "exercise snacking" https://www.physiologicallyspeaking.com/p/physiology-friday-238-weekend-warriors

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thanks for the link. sometimes I don’t feel like going to the gym so I’ll just abesent-mindedly do curls with 10 pound weights while watching TV. Thanks for easing my mind a bit.

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That sounds like a pretty smart choice! And I'm sure whatever you've got on the tube is far more mindful than the crap they play at the gym!

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I'm using GTG with Captains of Crush handgrippers right now, awesome method! And the Rollins quote,🤘!!!

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