We’re about to embark on another EPIC road trip down to Texas (for a refresher on the last one, or in case you missed it, check out my post “Cross Country Cross-training”).
Maybe we should have apps in our cars that we can enable, where we need to do 20 squats to turn the vehicle on. I would use it! It could have stats and daily streak records. We could compete with other users across North America, collect points and trade them in for car air fresheners or something.
As a graphic design student, I designed several air "un-fresheners," so I like the idea of the air freshener as a collectable object. Ideally North America would work on building and upgrading infrastructure to diminish the need for cars, but that's a pipe dream...I'm not a betting man, but I'd wager against a bullet train system being implemented here in the next 100 years!
That's fantastic! The prospect of a project like that is a concept which the United States can't fathom. I read that Amtrak is going to offer a trip from Chicago to Miami at a lighting speed of 48 hours!
Maybe we should have apps in our cars that we can enable, where we need to do 20 squats to turn the vehicle on. I would use it! It could have stats and daily streak records. We could compete with other users across North America, collect points and trade them in for car air fresheners or something.
As a graphic design student, I designed several air "un-fresheners," so I like the idea of the air freshener as a collectable object. Ideally North America would work on building and upgrading infrastructure to diminish the need for cars, but that's a pipe dream...I'm not a betting man, but I'd wager against a bullet train system being implemented here in the next 100 years!
Alberta Canada is going to install a bullet train from Edmonton Alberta to Calgary - 300+ kilometres. But they haven’t started construction yet.
That's fantastic! The prospect of a project like that is a concept which the United States can't fathom. I read that Amtrak is going to offer a trip from Chicago to Miami at a lighting speed of 48 hours!